Wow....10 days were passing so fast, started from last Tuesday (6 Sept), we went to Presint 17, Putrajaya and stay bus..hahaha...half n hour journey, we finally reach there.First of all, we need to carry our heavier luggage to hall to register by campus. Then, we had to bring our heavy luggage n climb up to 11th floor cause the lift was flood by all the student and we lazy to take turn so we juz climb up stairs ourself..(damn tired..haiz..) Finally, after we finish carrying our luggage, we have to start to clean up our room cause it is very dusty.( last year experience, so this time got bring mop and broom..hahha (^w^)V ) After cleaning up the room, we went down to dewan makan to have our lunch.hhhaha..n we are having our rest until night....On the night, we had gather at the dewan terbuka/ carpark to have the first meeting and we need to build a group ourself...50 person in a group..hohoho..
2nd day, we wake up at around 5am as we need to have our breakfast at 5.30am n we will go to dataran merdeka at 6am , WOW.the siren and bangun..bangun..bangun by Encik Balak wake us up in the earlier morning, i like him so much cause he is very kind. i m so shocked when I saw our stage..After waiting our my group member reach dataran, we waited the command from MIB n go up to the first our group r D4 but then change to A2(from the below change to the highest ) hahah..Actually, i luve my team so much although we come from different campus but i feel that we r one family,,hahaa..While we have some practice on how to change the shirt to show different n formed word.haha (enjoy so much )..(*I like our conductor so much- Abang Azad..heheh.he is cool, kind n smart..wahhaahaa.. ^o^)

Saturday, 17 September 2011
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Haha,...I love go out with Crystin Tan...hahaha
2day was a relaxing day...cause i go out wif my best friends, Lili...
First we having our lunch at MCDonald then we go to sunway..haha
After that, we got ot GSC n watch Zoo Keeper at 7.10pm but before that we go to window shopping n meet Seow Hoay there,,hahah,,,that little girl not change oso....still the same but becoame more beautiful d..n lili,..become more taller n more prettier lol..hhaaha.
We 2gether hv our dinner at 600cc...damn full lol..n yummy,.haha
.After that, we go to watch the movie
The movie damn funny ...... i strongly suggested go to watch this movie,.hhaha...\
Thank You, Lili so much...haha.. Luv u...(^W^)v
First we having our lunch at MCDonald then we go to sunway..haha
After that, we got ot GSC n watch Zoo Keeper at 7.10pm but before that we go to window shopping n meet Seow Hoay there,,hahah,,,that little girl not change oso....still the same but becoame more beautiful d..n lili,..become more taller n more prettier lol..hhaaha.
We 2gether hv our dinner at 600cc...damn full lol..n yummy,.haha
.After that, we go to watch the movie
The movie damn funny ...... i strongly suggested go to watch this movie,.hhaha...\
Thank You, Lili so much...haha.. Luv u...(^W^)v
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Dun know what r the reason, i fell very emo after wake up.....
maybe is the dream...or i realize n finally comfirm already....
i m juz a loner although i hv many friends around..(not include my friends in butterworth n esther, min, n pui yee)
i truely tired d..tired to communicate wif my friends, tired to get know what they are doing n they willl doing,
i dun know my feeling actually, i know that i will always show my fortitude n smile then say nevermind when i m alone or in trouble but actually i need someone who will always accompany me and heard my true feeling...
Sunday, 14 August 2011
A meaningful day for me~~!!
Why I say was meaningful day?
First, 2day is a sunny day,..en..I meant this morning.
Second,we had follow one NGO group name Tzu Chi and visit the old folk. my friends and I went to Hulu Selangor to visit some old folk that live in kampung,because they are having leprosy or in malay is called kusta. This disease will cause their skin and muscle eaten by some virus.
Some of their son and daughter leave them at there as they scared this disease will infect them, but some of the old folk even did not have son and daughter as they were sent to that hospital since they are very small.
We went to visit are the old folk and tried to talk with them to show that they are not be abandoned.
Some of them fell very sad and depressed when they told their story to us, how long they stay there already and the reason why they staying here, i felt very sad also and pity to them. Some old folk are very luckily because they still have their relative to visit them in weekend. Some of them just sit there silently as they cannot talk already, the diseases had make it voiceless, some of them lost their leg, their fingers, hand or even the organ on their face.
This time visit had remind me that the importance the love between parent and children,
the true heart to take care the old folk, and the everyday is a sunny day, a new hope. I also learnt how to communicate with the old folk and comfort them. I realize that we have to take care of everyone and dun be selfish, We are very lucky if compare to them. we should appreciate what we have and enjoy now! so , Stop Complaint this, complaint that..
Thirdly, we went to Thian Hou Temple which are near the MIdValley, we go there to pray and visit that place. I love there so much because i fell comfortable at there. The breeze are very nice. hehe..
My friends: Fiona Kong, Ooi Der Jun ( Der Chiau brother), Der Chiau, Neko Fen and Theng. |
This want is Ooi Der Chiau...hahaa....
One of View of Temple Thean Hou
The cute and charming girl is Fiona,. |
My friends and I, The last want whom wearing white and green T-shirt is me..haha... Thanks Der Jun to become our camera men...ahah. |
Three crazy monkey + 2 normal monkey = hahha.. laughing when I was saeing this picture. |
haha... cute rabbit and Der Jun.hehe
Fiona..hehe. was sitting on a buffalo...haha...juz like a chinese story: 牛郎和织女。。hreheh..
i was wondering whi is the 牛郎。哈哈
Theng and "yue lao"..haha
wow...Theng and Fiona where r u looking at?
qi xiao theng~!! XP
photo taking infront of the temple..nice pose everyone~~!!
haha....this is the most best shot taken by a tourist , Miss, thank you so much to help us..hehe...haha....
So, i ended my story here. Thank You so much Der Jun to become our driver and cameraman..haha
Guys, hope that er can go out together again..hehe
Sunday, 7 August 2011 week pass already
YES~~!JUz leave 19 days to go back to hometown..hahaaha
so happy eveytime i count down the days ..hehe...very happy..
This mean my assigment oso need to pass up d...OMG~!! I not yet finished yet...
I dun wan my holiday packed wif the assigment.haha
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
该生气还是只是当作没发生事情 ,
答应了我,有 放我飞机,而且道歉也没说 一声,
我很想 大声的对你说“你够了 ~~!!!
'但有怕你这个 死三八到出 乱乱将我坏话,
assigment 的 题目是 碰巧还是 什么。。我不清楚。。
为何我和我的group member 要常常让你们。。。好火大当谈到这些事,
你最好跟我自我反省,不要太过分,小心我迟早有一天 ‘括’ 你 一把掌。。。。
答应了我,有 放我飞机,而且道歉也没说 一声,
我很想 大声的对你说“你够了 ~~!!!
'但有怕你这个 死三八到出 乱乱将我坏话,
assigment 的 题目是 碰巧还是 什么。。我不清楚。。
为何我和我的group member 要常常让你们。。。好火大当谈到这些事,
你最好跟我自我反省,不要太过分,小心我迟早有一天 ‘括’ 你 一把掌。。。。
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Friday, 15 July 2011
面对阳光的向日葵,背对的而是我们看不见的悲伤,和 失落,
Monday, 11 July 2011
A busy week for me....haiz.....
HAiz.....stay in KL almost 1 month d....Damn boring here cause nothing to do n no place for me to walk...*need to save budget*...haiz....Dun know why I feel very tired recently,sleep already oso feel tired....
THe most angry things is happend last Friday,I forget my water bottle n left in at my school hall,then when the other day i went back to find my disappeared already.....IISSHH~~~SWT~~
Haiz.....Miss home do much.....No holidays for us this month..means..I cannot go back to hometown n meet my family..I have to wait until August holiday,,,,OMG~~~ Sometime i will envy my friends that can go back to their house but if compare wif me,i think the Sabah n Sarawakian miss their hometown more than me...
Feel very very lonely at here......No best friends to share my person to *sampat* wif me...wuwuww..Always staying at hostel n on9ing,,tired...Sometime i think that am I was to weird or ... ,i always feel lonely n lonely....Feel very exhausted already to hang my smile on my face,Exhausted to act infront of everyone.....Sometime i think back, which is the true me.....Feel very confused always....
A weird think always come across my mind.... I feel that I was drown in water,lake or sea oe swimming pool..but i dun now why,... I know myself getting weirder n weirder.....Hope that i can left this world ..haiz..
Sunday, 10 July 2011
HI....Friends ..Long time no see...
First of all,I want to say,,i miss my friends so much in buddies,my best friends n of course the person that i miss the most is my family,almost 1 month d i come back to KL to study,..SOo boring at here..haiz,
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Monday, 2 May 2011
Me is juz me....
Ya...same as my title,me is juz me...
why i living here?
until now i oso confusing..but the only thing i know is i now still living isbecause my family..
i cannot still alive without my family...i cannot make my family worried n sad because of me..
if one day my family are passed away,i think i will sucide myself as i will fell lonely without my family....
I got 2 wishes... family will always safe n healty
2.i will find the reasoins why i come to this world..
3.I hope that i got amazing power that can acrooss the world to go to the other world to travel to find the reasons n the other me..
why i living here?
until now i oso confusing..but the only thing i know is i now still living isbecause my family..
i cannot still alive without my family...i cannot make my family worried n sad because of me..
if one day my family are passed away,i think i will sucide myself as i will fell lonely without my family....
I got 2 wishes... family will always safe n healty
2.i will find the reasoins why i come to this world..
3.I hope that i got amazing power that can acrooss the world to go to the other world to travel to find the reasons n the other me..
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
New life in my kampus
This was the second semester in IPGM kampus Pendidikan Teknik,means that I had spend almost 10 months at here.
While,these are one part from my kampus life.Next time, I think I will introduce my friends n my coursemate.haha
Bye~HappY Go luCky..
This photo taken at night,from my hostel.Quiet a nice scene right?Haha |
This was my school field and astaka..Taken from my classroom.ehehe....Quiet boring at class.haha..Feel bored socaptured this photo. |
Rain heavily..SO scary..Faster~~Rush back to keep ur clothes..haha.. |
This 2 guys are my good sister(best friens).ONe of them are my dearest roomate..HAha..go outing..Yeah~~ |
The buildings behind the tree is dewan kuliah,we used for our meeting. |
A sunny day...2day weather nice to wash clothes. |
This photo taken from my hostel block B.The buildings are block a and block c.There were the boys' hostel. |
The moon is so bright 2night.Very beutiful... |
The pathway go to Narnia?Just kiding...This was the corridor that pass through to canteen,HEP,dataran muafakat ,classroom,hall. |
this buliding is under Jabatan ERT,the place where RBT students cook and sew. |
Both are them are my best friends,Their name are Esther and Min.They are nice person.LIke them so much.heheh |
They went back to hostel after pass up the assigment.haha..I secretly take their photo..I hope they didn't get angry after see this picture..hehe |
Bye~HappY Go luCky..
Saturday, 16 April 2011
sorry..My friends;;;
2day was my secondary school's canteen day.As I now at KL,I didn go back because i had things to do...I didn keep the promise..Sorry..(T3T)
Friday, 15 April 2011
Gotong Royong..hahaha..
12 April, my campus had 'gotong royong' activies,all the person who live in hostel were take part in this activities..We all were playing more than cleaning hahaha...but i truely love my friends very much....hehe..
There all are my friends,haha..MIng,Vino,Thuma,Agnes..N so on...
After Gotong Royong,we have enjoyed our free meal in our kafeteria..Friend mihun n ice water ,.
Got 3 little cute girl were inside this photo,one of them is my senior,the other want is my course mate n the other wan is TESL student,can u guess whom are them?
While,the other side,is George n Min.Both are them are juz friend...N George girl's friends was sit at opposite,can u all guess who are she...?(TIps..she is fair n very a little child..)
The people inside this photo were my coursemate...They are always crazy n ...(All of them are funny n cute person.)hehee...RBT Power..I LUv all ~~GAnbateh....hahah
There all are my friends,haha..MIng,Vino,Thuma,Agnes..N so on...
After Gotong Royong,we have enjoyed our free meal in our kafeteria..Friend mihun n ice water ,.
these photos were took after the gotong royong |
While,the other side,is George n Min.Both are them are juz friend...N George girl's friends was sit at opposite,can u all guess who are she...?(TIps..she is fair n very a little child..)
The people inside this photo were my coursemate...They are always crazy n ...(All of them are funny n cute person.)hehee...RBT Power..I LUv all ~~GAnbateh....hahah
Cooking Class...or Cooking Exam....
My Classmate...Cooking EXAM..(Sidang pagi) |
Although the exam was very hard,I hope that we all can pass it...hahah
We all really very enjoyed the cooking class...
This photo taken by my friends,Min n took after we finished our exam.n that time the lecturers were tasting our food.hehehe ..Dun Know how they fell about my cake..hahah.
I hope that i can pass my exam..hehehe...(^0^)//
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Saturday, 9 April 2011
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